
Petals Flowers and Gifts is your go-to Florist for all your special occasions needs from the bouquet, centerpiece, and decorative arrangements. Book an appointment and let Petals by Flowers and Gifts be part of your special day.


Eucalyptus Bundles

$5 bathroom bundles
$15 half bundle
$25 full bundle

Rogers Classic Sampler Chocolate


Custom Fruit & Gift Baskets

$20 & Up

Rose Petals

$10  per Bag (400 grams)

2 Dozen Carnation Bouquet

Available in seasonal colours with a touch of seasonal greens


$20 & Up

7″ Ceramic Planter

$40 & Up 

Lily Bouquet with eucalyptus


Balloons- assorted

$6 each

Flowering Plants

$20 & Up
Nice colourful selection of flowering plants are available- Begonias- Hydrangeas -Planter baskets- Kalanchoes

Be Spontaneous- Order Designers Choice for delivery

Beautiful Blooms will brighten their day!!

Corsages and Boutonnieres available upon request

All arrangements can be done in any colour combination. Subject to availability.
Delivery fees start at $12 for city wide deliveries on any day except Sunday.**

Payment is not collected with the submission of this form.

After ordering, we will contact you for credit card and payment method, payments are not made online.

* Required fields

    **Some conditions apply. Call for more details.



    640 Leila Avenue
    Winnipeg, MB R2V 3N7

    Flowers and Gifts

    Social Media:

    Hours of Operation:
    Sunday: 11 am - 3 pm
    Monday - Friday: 9 am -5:30 pm
    Saturday: 9 am -5 pm
    Our insta updates!